issue 5, spring 2001


viewer mail

talk one

cheap, cheap, cheap, isn't it? [our viewer mail]

talk two

no amount of gwyneth paltrow can save you now

talk three

more rejection notices from famous magazines

talk four

yet more rejection notices from famous magazines


ctINDEX one

our stuff indexed, like, um, harper's bizarre?

ctINDEX two

our stuff indexed, like, um, harper's bizarre?


banalities one

a mishmash of short-short stuff

banalities two

tiny, tasty bits of weirdness, like nougat

banalities three

tiny, tasty bits of weirdness, like nougat

banalities four

the sun king hates the net (by nicholas noyes), and much more

saturday night serial
episode 1
episode 2
episode 3
by delilah hornsby
justin and delilah: a posted,
post-modern romance of sorts

the travels of father gonzaga
episode 1
episode 2
episode 3
episode 4

by marcus boon, nicholas noyes, and david wondrich
episodes excerpted from the once-famous world traveler's journeys


married and pregnant

by chico moreno
a post-post-poster child for the neurotic obsessive

holy shit

by duncan hernandez
a tale of trying to make enough dough to live in nyc


by alexander j. whitman a short story

wild surmise

by nicholas noyes the climate can mess things up
sometimes. Would you trade a cold winter in Pittsburgh
for the heat of summer? Maybe. Maybe not

poem type stuff

eric pankey's blues

by michael shannon friedman

untitled #1

by our chief bottle washer

black summer unsonnet

by michael shannon friedman

charles wright

by michael shannon friedman

old chinese poets

by michael shannon friedman
(for greg brown & bill morrissey)


by michael shannon friedman


by bruce cornelison a funny limerick

memory blues

by michael shannon friedman


retrofitting english

by nicholas noyes
a hilarious resurrection of words from their untimely deaths to expand our modern vocabularies

quattro formaggio

a bit we stole from Might magazine
glorious, wonderful cheese, or things we love to hate

brillstein is dead

by brandon moglen
a eulogy for a man no one knew but no one can resist

hit it and quit

by anonymous semi-serious think-piece on casual sex

music madness

[a big file, but worth it] a humorous look at what the world
will be like when there's only one record company

pleased to meat you

by nicholas noyes a delicious sampling
of british meat food oddities, like "bath chaps"

art v. "art"

by bruce cornelison the north carolina
multi-medialist/fianc´e addresses 

fables of the

beneath the subtext of job listings

lost and found

dumpster-diving in New York
yields an oddly compelling triptych
send us
a letter
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