issue 3, february 2000



three days in new york

$.85 New jersey Turnpike

$4 Holland Tunnel

$5 Border Burrito @ Burritoville

$10.50 6-pack of Dos Equis

$4 Town & Country magazine

$6.50 stewed beef noodle soup @ Ollie’s

$6 Metrocard

$6.83 groceries for dinner (penne w/pink sauce)

$15.50 lunch (pizza) w/ D & G

$9 Metrocard (add)

$2.75 frozen yogurt w/cookie crumbs w/Jon

$6 coat check (d/o, p/u) w/tip @ Izzy Bar

$5 Rolling Rock (w/tip) @ Izzy Bar

$1 two bagels at Dizzy Izzy’s (no relation)

$1 decaf coffee

$12 Thai yellow curry (w/tip)

$12.07 cereal and yogurt

$10 parking (3 hours)

$7 cab to meeting <


    All Night
by Duncan Hernandez

all night making fun of david. when he left: ribald female conversation. then, when norm leaves, women make fun:

"why does he wear his hair like that?"

"i don’t know," sheila answers.

"well, someone has to tell him to stop."

"i can’t," says shelly.

"why not?"

[because shelly still wants to sleep with norm.]



shelly blushes, takes a long drag of pot, then smiles.

"why don’t you just tell him you’re sleeping with him?"

"and tell him to do something about his hair!"

"i can’t believe he won’t sleep with you," says rebecca dejectedly. <

cartoon? no.

less than perfect
by A.J. Whitman

some people taste fruit the way i do when i’m stoned when they’re not. and maybe that’s their thing. i don’t have a thing that i’m qualified (or good enough at) to do like that. a special purpose, as the saying goes.

and if you can see how well it can be done, there must be some disappointment in knowing how badly you do it.

but maybe you spend your life trying to convince yourself that it’s worthwhile just to try, when you know it’s always less than that. less than perfect. <

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