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  happy faces

Thank you so much for the interview with Hillary and Tina ["Women Who Are Powerful Are Always Kindof Masculine!" Preview Issue, 1999]. They are the hottest couple of "straight and married" lesbians ever! The great thing about cT is how unlike any other thing in the world—real or imagined—it is.

And who else could get Hillary to admit that she’s just not into giving hummers? That sure as hell explains a lot. Keep up the good work.

Cheryl Teegs
Fort Wayne, NJ
[editor’s note: Ply anyone with enough Gin and you’ll either get your ass kicked or a really kick-ass revelation.]

"hey, buddy, here's the
one i owe you."


In a word, bravo! I have been waiting for a publication like this for a damn long time. I stopped reading the New Yorker [sic] a long time ago. It’s just so gone way down hill. Congratulations on getting your magazine off to such an exciting start with a splendid mix of high and low art: fart jokes and a Schnabel bio—fantastique!

Griffin Mills
Hollywood, CA

Thank you for your interest in receiving free music from Warner Bros. Records and it’s subsidiaries. While we are eager to take advantage of your offer for "unparalleled coverage made available to an astonishingly wealthy demographic of literate computer owners who will be like putty in [your] hands," I regret to inform you that we are unable to take advantage of your offer at this time. Please notify us when your "magazine" is actually in publication, so that a circulation base can be estimated, and legitimate advertising has been established.

Margaret Mealtiem
VP Warner Bros. PR
New York City

Who knew Bill Maher was an arrogant freak with worse hair than Conan O’Brien?!? OK, so I always knew it, but your article ["Politically Incorrect, My Lilywhite Ass!" Preview Issue, 1999] illimunated his misogyny, too! Thanks! Now I feel much better about myself.

Theodore Turner
Atlanta, GA


pissed off faces

I deeply, deeply, deeply resent the above use of the word "dykes." Only lesbian's have the civil right to use the word "dyke," in either a joking or derisive manner. Same with "f-----" (gay men); "n-----" (black folks); "c----" (our little, yellow friends); "s----, w------- (latin folks), etc.," etc. See my point?

You're probably just a bunch of fat, old, straight, married, boring, white guys, sitting around in some office somewhere who're probably pissed off that you can't get any women. And just because two women is really the secret fantasy of every last one of you doesn't mean that being strong makes us "dykes," as you put it. What right do you have?

Andy D'Francco
New York
[editor's note: Surely someone on our enormous staff bumps fuzz?]


"dude, look, flavor crystals."


As your only friend, I must say this as honestly as possible: you’re acting like a pig. You have to be more open to finding love and not be so crass and pissed off about everything. I mean, I know that you’ve been in relationships in the past that haven’t worked out, but, man, you have to let all that go. You have to be willing to embrace every experience and not be so damn close-minded. So, I say, if she wants to go to the monster truck pull, you ought to go. If that’s her worst flaw then, by God, marry her. Ok? Now buck up little camper!

H.G. Bail
Paris, TX

Oh, and, by the way, I’ll not only never contribute anything for free to your startup piece of shit, I’ll consider any further contact cause for legal action; and if you publish my home phone number I swear I’ll personally kick your ass up, down, and sideways1; you can consider that a threat if you must, or consider it, as I would, an affront to your metaphysicality, if you have one; get a life you crazy stalking bastard!

[name witheld at the request of the author]
The Midwest
[editor’s note: Point taken.]

1 It’s important to note, A. Gram Bail, just how pissed off I, [name withheld at the request of the author], am that some fucking joke-shop, small-town, piss-ant, bullshit, half-wit, redneck-peckerwood, drag-ass–good-for-nothing–sonuvabitch, unappealing–go-nowhere–loser, cockmaster, bunghole, king-of-the-douches, ass-bag, creeker-mutant would have the nerve to ask me, [name witheld at the request of the author], esteemed author of such critically acclaimed and publicly lauded works of literature as [titles withheld at the request of the author] to contribute something for free!—I mean, for fucking free? Give me a break, would you?—do you think I toiled in semi-obscurity in an academic ivory tower to suddenly want to pass on the product of my genius for what (what? I ask)?—your gratitude?—hah!—no thanks, dickweed!

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